How to Track Progress of Your Video or Podcast Edit

Curious about how to track the progress of your media throughout the editing process? Keep reading to learn more!

    In the dynamic world of content creation, keeping track of your projects is crucial. Whether you're a seasoned creator or just starting out, our guide on how to track the progress of your video or podcast edit is designed to help you navigate through the process with ease.

    This article will walk you through the different editing statuses in MarketScale Studio, giving you a clear understanding of where your video or podcast stands in the editing process. From the moment you submit your content to the time it's ready for publishing, we've got you covered.

    1. On your feed, navigate to the video that you would like to view.

    2. Each video has an editing status displayed at the top right corner of its thumbnail. This status gives you real-time updates on the progress of your video.

    3. MarketScale Studio has three different editing statuses to help you track your media’s progress during post-production:

    Request Edit Now: This video has just been uploaded and still needs some direction before our editors can work on them. This status is helpful for decentralized content creation as it clearly marks which videos need further instructions or requests.

    In Editing: This video is currently being worked on by our editors. This status is helpful for decentralized content creation as it allows the user to track the progress of their video in real-time and ensures that they have full visibility into the editing process. This also contributes to a speedy delivery of the final product, as users can monitor progress and adjust as needed during this stage.

    Completed: This video has been edited and is ready to be reviewed or published.


    By having this visibility, you can effectively track the editing status of any piece of content and ensure that progress is being made towards completing them.