Publishing your Media on MarketScale

Curious about the different types of media you can publish through MarketScale? Keep reading to learn more!

As a platform for B2B Community-Generated Content, MarketScale’s website ( is the place to publish your b2b media. Covering (16) different industries, from Architecture & Design to Transportation, MarketScale covers the most exciting things happening in all of b2b. 

From quick thought-leadership articles featuring short-form videos to publications/editorial content, company-branded video podcast series, upcoming events like LIVE webinars and roundtable discussions, even training and learning programs, MarketScale is the place for YOUR media, and publishing couldn’t be easier! So, let’s get started! Here are (5) types of media that we’d enjoy publishing for you, and a few simple steps on how to get it done!


1. Thought Leadership/Subject-Matter-Expert Videos/Articles

For quick, thought-leadership/subject-matter-expert articles featuring short-form videos, all you need to do is record a quick video soundbite, we recommend (1) – (3) minutes, sharing your insights about an industry topic, company milestone/project, or another newsworthy story. Today, it’s all about authenticity and education, so recording without a script is often best, and educating your audience is most engaging. It’s also helpful to refer to a news source(s)/related article, alongside your submission, to assist the publications team within developing your article. 

You can either record or upload your video within MarketScale’s Studio platform, and click submit when completed. Once submitted within Studio, copy the Studio link and email to your DMS (Digital Media Strategist)/Account Manager for direction and support. Your DMS will lead publishing efforts and will notify the publications team, and they will immediately begin developing a supporting article around your video!


2. Publications/Editorial Content 

MarketScale would love to elevate your company press releases and editorial content, and even better, we make it easy!  Simply email your press releases to:  

For editorial content ideas/submissions, please email directly to MarketScale’s b2b Editor Daniel Litwin at

3. Company-Branded Video Podcast Series

A company-branded video podcast series is one of the best ways to elevate your thought leadership, lead conversations within the industry, and activate and engage ALL of your communities, and MarketScale is THE place to publish your series! Featuring your show alongside the hundreds of other series within MarketScale’s “Netflix” of b2b shows will ensure that it gets the engagement it deserves! We imagine you already have some great ideas about your own series, and who might be highlighted within the show, but to take it to the next level, reach out to your DMS and let’s get our industry-leading team on it! We’d love to help with developing a name for your show, putting together some graphic mock-ups for the series, and creating a media channel that will have Netflix knocking on your door soon! Kidding aside, this happens, in fact we’ve had a few series that have evolved into their own independent reality/episodic shows featured on television and other media outlets.

 So, reach out to your DMS, let’s develop the next great series, and we’ll ensure that each and every episode is fun, engaging, and available everywhere that your communities spend their time! BOSE Professional, Nokia, Honeywell, and others have seen tremendous success through MarketScale-produced, company-branded video podcast series, now it’s your turn!


4. Events

Imagine a turnkey virtual event platform with the service and support to make your most important events successful. Imagine no further, you’ve got it! Introducing the virtual events platform for b2b, on MarketScale.  

Featured within MarketScale’s website, these are the most exciting b2b events happening today.Your DMS will also ensure the success of this type of media, and will work closely with you on everything from developing the event, to recording, to reviewing post-event analytics/performance.

Recent events featured within MarketScale include a LIVE event discussing “What the heck is reverse PR” (one of the greatest hacks in Marketing today), a leading supply chain and logistics company’s event on “How the Role of the Product Designer Has Grown”, and a global leader in high-quality, live video and data collection uses MarketScale event publishing for their investor engagement and financial results overviews. So, start brainstorming now for your next big event and reach out to your DMS to get started.

5. Training/Learning Programs

Training and Education engages your communities, and further establishes YOUR company as THE thought leader within the industry. 

The world-famous Savannah Bananas developed one of the most successful b2b series today, Fans First, that’s teaches how to turn your customers into fans! In fact, this course is a must for anyone looking for organic business growth built upon a tremendous customer experience. This series has been so successful, that it recently evolved into its own ESPN show! Again, your DMS will champion development of your own training/learning programs, so reach out today to get started on the next great b2b training program!