Storytelling First: How to Pick the Right Topics and Guests for Your Podcast

Selecting the right mix of timely topics and engaging guests is key to crafting a captivating podcast that resonates with your audience and delivers valuable insights.


Selecting the right topics and guests is crucial to creating an engaging and valuable podcast. When you focus on industry trends, timely topics, and influential voices, your podcast will capture your audience's attention and deliver relevant insights. Interesting conversations stem from the combination of compelling topics and the personalities behind them, ensuring your podcast leaves a lasting impact. Regardless of whether you're leaning on strong personalities or strong topics to drive interest in your podcast, storytelling is the key goal. What stories can you tell on your podcast, and how can the voices of your hosts, your guests, and your community, or the impactful topics that resonate with your industry, drive home that narrative?


  • Ensure you have a clear understanding of your podcast’s target audience and goals. 
  • Have a framework for your podcast's theme to guide the selection of relevant topics and guests. 


Step-by-Step Guide 

Step 1: Identify Strong Guests 

Start by selecting engaging personalities who can carry the conversation forward. Look for subject matter experts (SMEs), influencers, or key members of your community with valuable insights or dynamic energy. This could include: 

  • Influencers in your industry who bring their own audience. 
  • Clients or partners with success stories related to your product or service. 
  • Infectious personalities who can bring humor, energy, and personality to the podcast, even if the topic is complex or niche. 

Step 2: Pinpoint Compelling Topics 

Next, identify industry-relevant topics that will resonate with your audience. Examples of compelling topics include: 

  • Timely news or trends impacting your industry. 
  • Debates or controversial topics currently being discussed (e.g., industry standards or emerging technologies). 
  • Previews of major industry events, such as trade shows, featuring interviews with organizers or key participants. 

Step 3: Align Guests with Topics 

Now, match the strong voices you've identified to the topics that matter most to your audience. Consider: 

  • Selecting guests who are experts in the chosen topics to provide authoritative insights. 
  • Bringing in fresh voices, such as young innovators or new entrepreneurs, to offer cutting-edge perspectives. 
  • Leaning on internal personalities or client success stories to foster authenticity and community engagement. 

Step 4: Mix and Match for Maximum Impact 

You don't always need to find the perfect topic and guest combination right away. If you’ve identified a great guest, build the topic around their strengths. Alternatively, if you have a hot topic, find the best voice to discuss it. By being flexible, you ensure your podcast stays dynamic and engaging. 


Selecting the right mix of topics and guests ensures your podcast remains engaging and valuable to your listeners. Focus on current trends and influential voices to deliver compelling stories that resonate. By aligning strong personalities with impactful topics, you’ll create a podcast that not only informs but also captivates your audience. And of course, all of this should be in service of a podcast that prioritizes telling important and engaging stories for your industry.