FAQ: Do I Need Consent From Users Who Send Media Into MarketScale?

To maintain a trustworthy relationship with our users, we incorporate our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy into the media submission process for first-time MarketScale users.

How We Ensure User Consent

Receiving a Media Request

As a first-time user, when you receive a media request via email, it includes a link to respond. This link directs you to a page where you can view and respond to the request.

Viewing the Request

Upon clicking the link, you’ll be taken to a page that outlines the media request details. Before you can proceed to submit your response, you’ll see a clear statement informing you that by continuing, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Accessing the Policies

The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are hyperlinked within this statement. By clicking on these links, you’ll be directed to the complete documents. This allows you to review the full content of our policies before proceeding.

Providing Consent

To proceed with submitting your media, you must continue past this statement. By doing so, you automatically agree to abide by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect as a first-time user of your platform?

As a first-time user, when you receive a media request and proceed to open it, you'll be presented with the basis for your response. However, before you can proceed, you'll notice references to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

How does this platform ensure I'm informed of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?

To ensure full transparency, we've integrated these policies directly into the user interaction process. Before you Record or Upload to any questions, a message appears stating "By continuing, you agree to MarketScale's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." These are hyperlinked, and by clicking on them, you'll be directed to the complete content of these documents.

But what if I continue without acknowledging the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?

By continuing with the process, you automatically agree to both the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 

What if I have any questions about these policies?

Our team is always ready to answer any questions or clarify any doubts you might have. Asking questions and providing feedback helps us improve the overall user experience, ensuring ease of use and peace of mind for all our stakeholders. Please feel free to reach out to your dedicated MarketScale service email. If you do not have a MarketScale service email, you may use support@marketscale.com. And any user may open a live chat with a representative using the chat module in the bottom right of every page on MarketScale.