Ensuring that your podcast has been successfully submitted is a crucial step to guarantee that your recording is properly processed and available for review. Follow these steps to confirm your submission:
Submitting Your Podcast
At the end of your recording session, make sure to click “stop recording” button.
You will be prompted to confirm your submission. Click “Finish and Submit”
How to Check Submission Status
After submission, follow these steps to verify whether your podcast was successfully recorded:
Go to the Inbox Section in Studio – Check your inbox to see if the podcast has been recorded and submitted.
Approve or Decline – A prompt will appear in your inbox asking you to either approve or decline the recording.
Click the Approve Button – Click Approve to proceed.
Check Your Feed – Once approved, your podcast will appear on your feed.
Important Notes
When your podcast appears on the feed, only an audio preview will be available initially. Don’t worry about the video; rest assured that we have it.
Video processing takes a few hours to fully process. Once complete, it will be available for viewing.
If you’d like to download your podcast, use the three dots on the right-hand corner once processing is complete.
Following these steps ensures that your podcast is successfully submitted, reviewed, and available for download when ready.