Adding Users to your MarketScale Studio Organization

Your subscription to MarketScale Studio comes with unlimited licenses to add new Users. So let's start inviting your community to create and collaborate with you!

To add a new user to your MarketScale Studio Organization, follow these steps:


1. Make sure you are in the correct Organization.


2. Click the Invite Users icon in the top right of the interface - it looks like a person with a + sign. 


3. Invite Users will pop up a new window where you can add email addresses for the Users you want to invite. You can add as many as you'd like, and choose between Standard and VIP Guest access (click HERE to learn more about User roles). Once you have completed adding email addresses, click Invite colleagues.


Congratulations! You have successfully invited new users to join your Organization in MarketScale Studio.  They will receive their invitation via email. 


Use Case: Inviting International Teammates for a Global Product Launch


Click HERE to learn more about how to create your account in MarketScale Studio.